Sound Ethnographies accepts contributions in Italian and English according to the following categories:

  • Articles, possibly with attached audio and/or video examples that will be published on the online version of the journal;
  • Audiovisual essays, where the written text functions as a critical presentation of a film that will be accessible through the online version of the journal;
  • Arguments, that present thoughts, opinions, cultural policy suggestions, as personal points of view and contributions to debates;
  • presentations of the organization and activities of Institutions such as archives, museums, research centres;
  • Reviews of books, CDs, films, web sites or other multimedia products.

All proposals will be evaluated by the Founding Editors with the collaboration of the Scientific Committee. Articles and Audiovisual essays considered of sufficient interest for the journal will be submitted to a double blind peer review. The evaluations of the reviewers will be sent to the authors.

The proposals for publication should be sent to

Editorial guidelines are available here.

The use of a recent number of Sound Ethnographies as a model is highly recommended.